Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wednesday with The Friday Fanatics

We painted on July 2 and put Wet Paint Work in the window at AAC. Join us next Friday for Art and Fun.

Shown here are Dave, Jerry, Mimi, Jane, Nancy, Linda and Al. (Judith is reflection taking the photo.)

 Jerry finished a colorful watercolor of boats.

 Dave worked on several pieces in progress.

Al continues his family portrait series. (Mimi comes in the door.)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A painting from James Stephens' vacation

James Stephens sends greetings and shares a train painting he did on a recent trip to Pennsylvania. Please remember to take your paints on vacation with you. And share photos with us.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mailbox Challenge - a little later AND Vacation Paintings

Hello Friday Fanatics,
Since we won't be meeting at AAC this coming Friday, May 16, we will delay our review of mailbox designs until Friday, May 23. Please submit an idea for a new mailbox for AAC on Friday, May 23. We had one excellent design from Nancy Rounsaville so the competition is ON.
One consideration may be to highlight the street number for AAC -- 2979 -- to aid people looking for our address.

Dave Kaplan is on vacation in Hilton Head. Following the wonderful demo at the last AAC meeting, Dave did a palette knife painting of a marsh. Please send me a vacation painting -- or a workshop painting -- to post here.

Happy painting in May. Send your photos to me at

Thursday, April 24, 2014

May Challenge - A new Mailbox Design for AAC

Okay, Fanatics.

This is a true challenge. Are you up for it?
We have been invited to design and execute a new mailbox for AAC.
And not just any mailbox. 
It must be spectacular.

Give this some thought and send me your ideas by Friday May 16. The group will choose the best design and we will plan how to do it.

Have fun and be creative.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

April Window at AAC

The Friday Fanatics painted spring flowers ready to be planted on Good Friday, April 18. Our Wet Paint Works will hang in the front window of AAC this week.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March Challenge

The MARCH challenge is to Paint a Flowering Tree. There are some wonderful spring trees blooming around Atlanta. Send a picture of your painting to Maggie to put on the Friday Fanatics blog.

Donna Varn's blooming tree

Zindi's Grandson Nathaniel visited and painted.

Flowering Dogwood  in Nacoocie Valley, North Georgia by Clyde Draughon

 Pink Dogwood by Ujjagar Singh Wassan

Pink Spring by Ujjagar Singh Wassan

Two Spring Trees by Dave Kaplan

Friday, February 14, 2014

February's Challenge...

...a snow painting or a winter scene or something inspired by our beautiful winter weather. 

Snow Scenes by Jerry Solomon

Brenda's Backyard by Nancy Rounsaville 

Lily Walking in Snow with Daddy and Danny
by Mickey McConnell

The Pink Scarf by Deanna Jaugstetter

A Winter's Peace by Jamie Kiro

Snowbirds by Jane Springfield

Pastoral Field by Mary Ellen Brantley

Snow Scenes by Dave Kaplan